Frequently Asked Questions

Renovation Businesses
Spa and Wellness Businesses
Motoring Businesses



  • How can I identify whether a business is CaseTrust accredited?
    Simply look out for the CaseTrust decal at the store. Alternatively, you can also visit our website at
  • What measures have been put in place to safeguard me, as a consumer?
    During CaseTrust assessment, the business’ policies and communication material have been thoroughly checked and unfair trading practices are removed. Accredited businesses are also required to put in place a dispute resolution mechanism. Consumers may also wish to resolve their disputes through mediation at CASE.
  • What is the scope of CaseTrust's accreditation scheme?
    CaseTrust’s Accreditation scheme includes the assessment of good business practices such as transparent business policies, feedback management, dispute resolution etc. The scheme consists of criteria which cover Policies, Communication, Personnel and Practices & Systems.
  • Does CaseTrust accredit B2B businesses?
    CaseTrust assessment criteria focuses on B2C businesses. If your business only has B2B transactions, it will not be suitable to be accredited. However, if your business has both B2B and B2C transactions, then the accreditation is only awarded to the B2C area of your business.
  • What benefits does a CaseTrust accredited business have?
    • Greater Exposure through CaseTrust’s publicity efforts for its accredited businesses.
    • Gain immediate recognition by consumers as a business they can trust.
    • Prepares merchants for the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act, thereby having a Competitive Edge over non-accredited businesses.
    • Educational Seminars organised by CASE.
    • Availability of CASE mediation facilities to resolve disputes at no cost.
    • Join reputable businesses who have attained the CaseTrust accreditation.
  • How to apply for CaseTrust accreditation?
    You may apply for for CaseTrust accreditation via our online form.

    Alternatively, you can download a set of the Information Kit here. The Application Form can be found in the information kit. Please fill in the Application Form and submit a cheque for application fee made payable to "Consumers Association of Singapore". The criteria checklist will be sent to you for preparation of documents upon receipt of the form and fee. Upon receipt of your supporting documents for assessment and full assessment fee, we will then send it to our assessor(s) for assessment (i.e. audit).
  • How much is the fee?
    You may refer to the information kit that you can download here for more details on the fees. The fees depend on the size of the business.
  • Who conducts the assessment? Are they fair?
    CASE maintains a pool of professional and independent assessors to conduct assessments under the CaseTrust scheme. This will ensure that assessments and audits are neutral and not prejudiced.
  • Should my business be unsuccessful in our first attempt to apply for CaseTrust accreditation, when can we re-apply again?
    It would be dependent on the business' readiness to close the gaps highlighted during the earlier assessment.
  • My business is successfully accredited by CaseTrust. Can we use the logo for all our branches and subsidiaries?
    With exception to the businesses accredited under CaseTrust Spa & Wellness scheme, as long as the branches are not registered with ACRA (f.k.a Registry of Companies & Businesses) under a different business name, they will enjoy the CaseTrust status. However, the CaseTrust status is not transferable to other businesses owned by the same holding company within the group. If you own other registered businesses that would like to enjoy the CaseTrust benefits, kindly submit another CaseTrust application as a separate entity.
  • As a CaseTrust accredited business, how will CaseTrust assist me if I have a complaint lodged by the consumer?
    If you have exhausted all avenues on your side to resolve the problem, you can refer the consumer to CASE Consumer Relations Department. CASE has a Mediation Centre which has a pool of mediation volunteers who will assist in achieving a win-win situation for both parties. CASE Mediation Centre has a high success rate instead which shows how effective it is as a dispute resolution mechanism.
  • Why is my business name not reflected in the website even after we have obtained accreditation?
    Upon receiving our License Agreement, you need to sign two copies and return it to our office together with the annual management fee. Once duly executed, we will return one copy to your office for record and list your business on our website.
  • What are the steps required for renewal of CaseTrust accreditation?
    Since the certificate has an expiry date, your business accreditation ends with that date. Thus, the renewal process will be very similar to a new application. However, now that you already have all CaseTrust criteria in place, it will be much easier to go through the assessment.
  • How can CaseTrust assist in resolving my dispute with its accredited businesses?
    For assistance on disputes pertaining CaseTrust accredited businesses, consumers may refer to this link for more information on how to lodge a complaint with CASE - If you just wish to put on record & do not require CaseTrust to follow-up on your dispute, you may write-in as a feedback to [email protected]. CaseTrust will take such feedback into consideration during the accredited business' next assessment.
  • Does CaseTrust have a blacklist of businesses?
    CaseTrust is a whitelist rather than a blacklist of businesses. To give consumers a peace of mind for your shopping experience, we strongly encourage you to check on the list of CaseTrust accredited businesses.

Renovation Businesses

  • How do I purchase the insurance for renovation businesses?
    CaseTrust will connect you with bolttech Insurance Brokers Pte Ltd to apply for insurance, after your business completes the assessment stage.

    Should you require general advice on insurance matters, you may contact bolttech Insurance Brokers Pte Ltd at:
  • I have engaged a CaseTrust-accredited renovation contractor. However, they are requesting for my NRIC number. Is this required?
    Yes, CaseTrust-accredited renovation businesses require your full NRIC number to purchase the insurance bond for your deposit. . This is in line with Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) guidelines, as it is necessary to verify the identity of the policy holder in the event of a payout.
  • There are two types of CaseTrust renovation schemes. What is the difference between CaseTrust for Renovation Businesses and CaseTrust-RCMA Joint Accreditation Scheme for Renovation Businesses Scheme?

    Members of Singapore Renovation Contractors and Material Suppliers Association (RCMA) are eligible to apply for CaseTrust-RCMA Joint Accreditation Scheme.

    Renovation companies that are non-members of RCMA can apply for CaseTrust for Renovation Businesses Accreditation Scheme.

    We encourage industry players to join RCMA as it provides opportunities for its members to improve their processes and benefit from skills upgrading.

  • I am an Interior Designer, however I have yet to find a showroom. Can I join CaseTrust Accreditation Scheme?

    You can apply for CaseTrust after you have a business address. Please note that home addresses are not acceptable.

  • How long is the accreditation cycle and the total cost applicable?
    The Accreditation is valid for four (4) years. For the fees involved, please go to Download for the Information and Application Kit for Renovation Businesses. The corresponding information can be found in page 9-10 of the document.

Spa and Wellness Business

  • Other than Massage Establishment (ME), what other businesses are categorized under this scheme?
    Any business providing services such as beauty, slimming, fitness, spa, wellness, nail, TCM and associated holistic care & service will be categorized under this scheme.
  • How does my business apply for a Category ME CAT I Massage Establishment licence?
    To be eligible for a Category I ME licence, you are required to obtain CaseTrust accreditation as well as to meet the licensing criteria. You can apply for a ME licence via the electronic service provided at GoBusiness.
  • Once my business attained the CaseTrust accreditation for spa and wellness businesses, how do I upgrade to a CAT I ME licence?
    All Cat II and Provisional Cat I MEs which have attained CaseTrust accreditation for Spa and Wellness Businesses are to apply for an upgrade to CAT I ME License via GoBusiness, if applicable.
  • Does my business first submit application for provisional CAT I ME licence or CaseTrust?
    The first step is to apply for CaseTrust. You will then receive a Letter of Acceptance from CaseTrust, which is required as a supporting document for your Provisional Cat I ME licence application.
  • How soon can CaseTrust accredit a Massage Establishment?
    First, the business needs to send in an application. Upon receiving the letter of acceptance from CaseTrust, the business is required to prepare the assessment document to be submitted. From the date CaseTrust received a complete set of required assessment documents and assessment fee payment, the accreditation process takes around 3-4 months to complete, depending on the status of its business operations and whether any further corrective action is necessary.
  • How long will the CaseTrust accreditation be valid?
    Once CaseTrust accredits a ME, the accreditation is valid for a period of 2 years subjected to a clean record, i.e. no complaints, no detected errant behaviour and no breached of CaseTrust criteria. CaseTrust reserves the right to relinquish the accreditation certification should there be substantiated complaints, errant behaviour or breached of CaseTrust criteria Should the accreditation of a Cat I ME be revoked by CaseTrust, Police Licensing & Regulatory Department ("PLRD") may proceed to downgrade the Cat I ME licence to a Cat II ME licence or revoke the Cat I ME licence.
  • What is the cost of obtaining CaseTrust accreditation?
    The cost of obtaining CaseTrust accreditation is as follows. All prices include GST: (All fee include GST)
    ASSESSMENT FEE : 1st outlet: $856 Subsequent Outlets: $642 (outlet under same legal entity)
    ANNUAL MANAGEMENT FEE : 1st outlet: $535 Subsequent Outlets: $267.50 (outlet under same legal entity) (Mystery shopping will be conducted)
  • When my business renew our CAT I ME licence, must CaseTrust accreditation be valid for the entire period of the renewed CAT I ME licence validity?
    At the point of Category I ME licence renewal, you are required to show proof that your CaseTrust accreditation is valid and is able to cover the period of renewed licence. However, if the remaining accreditation period covers only part of the period of renewed licence, you must show proof (at the point of renewal) that you have taken steps to apply for renewal for CaseTrust accreditation and to submit the renewed accreditation certificate to PLRD covering the remaining period of licence once obtained.
  • How can I obtain more information on Massage Establishment licensing issues?
    More information is available on GoBusiness and Police Licensing & Regulatory Department website. You can also contact the Police Licensing and Regulatory Department during office hours at Tel: 6835 0000 or email them.
  • My business also offered services not under the Massage Establishment act, are those services required to be assessed?
    All services and products offered under the same legal entity within the same outlet location are to be assessed and need to comply with Spa & Wellness scheme criteria.

Motoring Business

  • What if my business is not a SVTA member?
    Motoring business who are not members of the Singapore Vehicle Traders Association (SVTA) are eligible to apply for CaseTrust.