CaseTrust Accreditation for Renovation Businesses

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CaseTrust for Renovation

As home renovation is one of the biggest investments homeowners will make,CaseTrust introduced two accreditation schemes, one by CaseTrust and another jointly developed between CaseTrust and Singapore Renovation Contractors and Material Suppliers Association (RCMA).

Under these schemes, businesses are audited under a set of stringent and comprehensive criteria, covering various aspects of store policies, ethical advertising and dispute resolution procedures, staff capabilities as well as staff training. Businesses that qualify to obtain the CaseTrust accreditation will be able to display the CaseTrust logo on their shopfronts, signifying their commitment to business excellence.

CaseTrust Accreditation Scheme for Renovation Businesses

CaseTrust developed the Accreditation Scheme for Renovation Businesses to raise the industry’s professionalism. Businesses that qualify to obtain the CaseTrust accreditation will be able to display the CaseTrust logo on their shop fronts and marketing materials to signal their commitment to fair trading and service excellence.

Businesses that are not members of the Singapore Renovation Contractors and Material Suppliers Association (RCMA) may apply for this scheme under the following options:
  • dot-circle
    Apply as a single entity for CaseTrust Accreditation Scheme for Renovation Businesses
  • dot-circle
    Apply as a group of related companies for CaseTrust Accreditation Scheme (Group) for Renovation Businesses
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What Can Consumers Expect from a CaseTrust Accredited Renovation Contractor?

Deposit guarantees

CaseTrust-accredited renovation businesses must purchase a deposit performance bond to safeguard deposit payments against closure, winding up and liquidation, among others.

Standard renovation contract

Accredited businesses must adopt the CaseTrust Standard Renovation Contract, which outlines each party’s obligations and specifies work and payment schedules. These include progressive payments, service warranty and transparent pricing.

Service warranty*

  • Businesses shall provide Homeowners a workmanship warranty for a period of 12 months from completion date of the Works.
  • The Business will conduct the necessary rectification works if defects arise from the Works during the Warranty Period

*Validity of the Warranty shall rest upon the terms and conditions as laid out in the contract. (Link to contract:)

Progressive payment

  • Payments are collected in phases upon agreed milestones
  • Initial deposits are also capped at maximum 20% of the total cost

Transparent pricing

  • Businesses are required to display pricing breakdowns clearly and communicate additional costs. Variations also have to agreed in writing between the business and consumer before any Works.
Well-defined business practices and systems
A redress system with proper and clearly defined dispute resolution mechanisms for the business and homeowners. These include mediation by the CASE Centre if disputes cannot be resolved.
Protection for prepayment
To enhance consumer protection, CaseTrust accredited renovation businesses are required to protect the prepayments made by consumers. Prepayment protection allows consumers to claim back the unused portion of the prepayment made following the closure of the accredited business. After making a prepayment to a CaseTrust accredited business, you would receive proof of protection containing your details and the protected sum.

CaseTrust-RCMA Joint Accreditation for Renovation Businesses

In August 2014, CASE collaborated with the Singapore Renovation Contractors and Material Suppliers Association (RCMA) to develop the CaseTrust-RCMA Joint Accreditation scheme. Renovation contractors who qualify to obtain this accreditation will be able to display a CaseTrust-RCMA logo on their shop fronts and marketing materials as a sign of their commitment to fair trading. To be eligible to apply for the scheme, businesses must first be members of RCMA. Eligible businesses may apply for this scheme under the following

  • dot-circle
    Apply as a single entity for CaseTrust Accreditation Scheme for Renovation Businesses
  • dot-circle
    Apply as a group of related companies for CaseTrust Accreditation Scheme (Group) for Renovation Businesses

With more contractors listed on the CaseTrust whitelist, homeowners can look forward to more options when sourcing reliable contractors to renovate their homes.

What Can Consumers Expect from a CaseTrust-RCMA Accredited Contractor?

Deposit guarantees
CaseTrust-accredited renovation businesses must purchase a deposit performance bond to safeguard deposit payments against non-performance of contracts, closure, winding up and liquidation, among others
Standard renovation contract

Standard renovation contract Accredited businesses must adopt the CaseTrust Standard Renovation Contract, which outlines each party’s obligations and specifies work and payment schedules. These include progressive payments, service warranty and transparent pricing.

Service warranty*

  • Businesses shall provide Homeowners a workmanship warranty for a period of 12 months from completion date of the Works.
  • The Business will conduct the necessary rectification works if defects arise from the Works during the Warranty Period

*Validity of the Warranty shall rest upon the terms and conditions as laid out in the contract. (Link to contract:)

Progressive payment

  • Payments are collected in phases upon agreed milestones
  • Initial deposits are also capped at maximum 20% of the total cost

Transparent pricing

  • Businesses are required to display pricing breakdowns clearly and communicate additional costs. Variations also have to agreed in writing between the business and consumer before any Works.
Well-defined business practices and systems
A redress system with proper and clearly defined dispute resolution mechanisms for the business and homeowners. These include mediation by the CASE Centre if disputes cannot be resolved.
Protection for prepayment
To enhance consumer protection, CaseTrust accredited renovation businesses are required to protect the prepayments made by consumers. Prepayment protection allows consumers to claim back the unused portion of the prepayment made following the closure of the accredited business. After making a prepayment to a CaseTrust accredited business, you would receive proof of protection containing your details and the protected sum.

Frequently Asked Questions


Accreditation FAQ

  • How to apply for CaseTrust accreditation?
    You may apply for CaseTrust accreditation via our online form. Alternatively, you can download a set of the Information Kit here. The Application Form can be found in the information kit. Please fill in the Application Form and submit a cheque for application fee made payable to "Consumers Association of Singapore". The criteria checklist will be sent to you for preparation of documents upon receipt of the form and fee. Upon receipt of your supporting documents for assessment and full assessment fee, we will then send it to our assessor(s) for assessment (i.e. audit).
  • What is the scope of CaseTrust's accreditation scheme?
    CaseTrust’s Accreditation scheme includes the assessment of good business practices such as transparent business policies, feedback management, dispute resolution etc. The scheme consists of criteria which cover Policies, Communication, Personnel and Practices & Systems.
  • How much is the fee?
    You may refer to the information kit that you can download here for more details on the fees. The fees depend on the size of the business.
  • Who conducts the assessment?
    CASE maintains a pool of professional and independent assessors to conduct assessments under the CaseTrust scheme. This will ensure that assessments and audits are neutral and not prejudiced.
  • Does CaseTrust accredit B2B businesses?
    CaseTrust assessment criteria focuses on B2C businesses. If your business only has B2B transactions, it will not be eligible for CaseTrust accreditation.  However, if your business has both B2B and B2C transactions, then the accreditation is only awarded to the B2C area of your business.

Info & Application kit

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Info Kit – CaseTrust-RCMA for Renovation Businesses – 1 Jan 2024
Info Kit – Renovation 1 Jan 2024

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CaseTrust Accreditation Framework for Home Renovation Sector