CaseTrust Gold

The CaseTrust Gold accreditation tier represents the highest standard, requiring businesses to meet comprehensive consumer protection and service quality criteria, ensuring the utmost in dependability and consumer confidence.

Info & application kit

List of Accredited Businesses

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CaseTrust Gold is the premier tier of the CaseTrust Accreditation Schemes. The award recognises the dynamism and innovation of CaseTrust Gold companies in keeping up with consumer trends, giving them an edge by distinguishing them as industry leaders demonstrating business excellence.

To consumers, CaseTrust Gold represents a promise of the highest possible standards in service quality.

What can Consumers Expect from a CaseTrust Gold Accredited Business?

Service excellence

The CaseTrust Gold accreditation scheme requires retailers and service establishments to abide by stringent criteria such as good sales and after-sales service, well-trained sales staff, and well-maintained retail facilities.


Shop with confidence with these businesses knowing they possess business excellence, superior customer service and a desire to keep pace with changing consumer demands and needs.

Clear fee policy
Policies on fees and fee refunds must be clearly articulated to the customers and documented. The policies will also be adhered to the terms and conditions of the contract agreed by both the business and consumers.
Well-defined business practices and systems
Besides good business practices and systems, there should be a redress system with proper and clearly defined dispute resolution mechanisms for the business and customers.
Well-trained personnel
The business must ensure that it has trained sales staff who do not practice unethical sales tactics and are able to provide good customer service.

CaseTrust Gold Assessment

CaseTrust Gold accreditation has more stringent criterias and honours businesses at the apex of service excellence.



Human Resources, Service Quality

Goods and Services, Terms and Conditions of Sales, Pricing and Payment, Security

Terms and Conditions of Sales,

Pricing and Payment, Security

External Communication, Internal Communication
External Communication, Advertising and Promotion

Advertising and Promotion

Practices & Systems
Human Resources, Goods and Services, Pricing, Support Systems Market/Customer Analysis, Tangibles
Retailing, Feedback Management, Goods and Services, Security

Retailing, Feedback Management,

Goods and Services

Performance, Knowledge, Service Quality, Appearance (for store-based only)
Performance, Feedback Knowledge

Performance and knowledge

Customer Recognition, Industry Recognition
Not Required by Basic Scheme

CaseTrust Gold Assessment

CaseTrust Gold accreditation has more stringent criterias and honours businesses at the apex of service excellence.



Human Resources, Service Quality
Goods and Services, Terms and Conditions of Sales, Pricing and Payment, Security

External Communication, Internal Communication
External Communication, Advertising and Promotion

Practices & Systems
Human Resources, Goods and Services, Pricing, Support Systems Market/Customer Analysis, Tangibles
Retailing, Feedback Management, Goods and Services, Security

Performance, Knowledge, Service Quality, Appearance (for store-based only)
Performance, Feedback Knowledge

Customer Recognition, Industry Recognition
Not Required by Basic Scheme

Frequently Asked Questions


Accreditation FAQ

  • How to apply for CaseTrust accreditation?
    You may apply for CaseTrust accreditation via our online form. Alternatively, you can download a set of the Information Kit here. The Application Form can be found in the information kit. Please fill in the Application Form and submit a cheque for application fee made payable to "Consumers Association of Singapore". The criteria checklist will be sent to you for preparation of documents upon receipt of the form and fee. Upon receipt of your supporting documents for assessment and full assessment fee, we will then send it to our assessor(s) for assessment (i.e. audit).
  • What is the scope of CaseTrust's accreditation scheme?
    CaseTrust’s Accreditation scheme includes the assessment of good business practices such as transparent business policies, feedback management, dispute resolution etc. The scheme consists of criteria which cover Policies, Communication, Personnel and Practices & Systems.
  • How much is the fee?
    You may refer to the information kit that you can download here for more details on the fees. The fees depend on the size of the business.
  • Who conducts the assessment?
    CASE maintains a pool of professional and independent assessors to conduct assessments under the CaseTrust scheme. This will ensure that assessments and audits are neutral and not prejudiced.
  • Does CaseTrust accredit B2B businesses?
    CaseTrust assessment criteria focuses on B2C businesses. If your business only has B2B transactions, it will not be eligible for CaseTrust accreditation.  However, if your business has both B2B and B2C transactions, then the accreditation is only awarded to the B2C area of your business.

Info & Application kit

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Info Kit – GOLD Storefront 1 Jan 2024