CASE Membership

You do not have to sign up as a CASE member^ first before submitting a complaint online or when seeking advice from our officers. However, as a member, you can file a case and our officers will correspond with the retailer on your behalf to seek a resolution.

If you wish to support CASE, kindly print out the relevant application form and send the completed form to us. We will advise you on matters of fees payment accordingly. (Membership fees are waived off for consumers who are Union members and/or Co-operatives are CASE Institutional members.)

Please note that as per our Constitution*, membership fees paid are not refundable.

For Individuals

Student Membership

If you are above 12 years of age and studying in one of the educational institution in Singapore.

Ordinary Membership

If you are above 18 and is a resident of Singapore.

Family Membership

If one of your spouse is an existing Ordinary member and you have 2 children above 18 years of age.

Life Membership

If you are above 18 and is a resident of Singapore.

For Unions and Companies

Institutional Membership

If you are a Union or Association.

Corresponding Membership

If you are a company.

^ The membership number field in the online form is NOT COMPULSORY. Non-CASE members will be on our assisted case scheme, CASE can help you draft a letter to the retailer to express your concerns and preferred outcome, but you must personally deliver the letter to the company, and we will not be able to follow up on the dispute.

*If you would like to read more about our Constitution, you may purchase a copy from the Registry of Society or contact us at our Membership Hotline at 6461 1882 to arrange to borrow a copy for reading purposes. A copy of the Constitution will be given once a person sign up as CASE member.